Forté Foundation Interview: Do or Die, Delegate!

I was asked by the Forté Foundation, a professional women’s organization with over 60,000 members to speak about the challenges of Delegation. I covered the following in my webinar, Do or Die, Delegate! (link opens new tab)

I’ve yet to meet a leader who has enough time and resources to get every important project completed. Many of us have been trained to just do it and “get it done”, no matter what the challenge. Do you delegate as much as you should? While the statement do or die may seem a bit dramatic, delegation should be treated with the same single-minded focus you put into getting it done.

In this 58-minute webinar you will learn:

• How to tell if you’re a micromanager and how that will impact your success.
• The common challenges for delegating and how to overcome them.
• The very real pitfalls to your leadership success when you don’t delegate.
• The benefits of delegating and how these lead to being a stronger leader.
• How to zero in and take action on the projects that provide the greatest value by delegating now.

There’s power in delegating and it’s one of the key leadership skills that leads to ongoing success.

To listen to and view this webinar please click the following link, which will open a new tab, and then follow the instructions on the page: Do or Die, Delegate!