Leaders Shine During Times of Uncertainty

Leaders Shine During Times of Uncertainty

These are uncertain times, but these are the times where leaders can really shine. My definition of a leader is someone who guides or directs people to a common purpose. If you read between the lines, leadership can be formal where your title indicates you are in charge directing the actions of others or informal, where you influence or guide decisions.

Whether it’s responding to decreasing revenues, reacting to price pressures from the competition or to sleigh the dragon, in this case the unprecedented Coronavirus (COVID-19), leaders bring people together for a common purpose. Leaders emerge from what may seem the most challenging situations. Now is the time to step–up and distinguish your leadership during these times of uncertainty.

leadership in crisis

The best leaders share these similar attributes. I call them the Four C’s:

1. Conviction
Staying the course and persevering in the face of adversity provides your team with the needed confidence in your direction and the way forward. Your steadfastness demonstrates your unwavering fervor in the face of uncertainty. The best way to anchor your team in these turbulent times is to have a strong vision for the future. Your vision galvanizes people as they face the unknown and uncharted waters. Your conviction acts as a road-map, with the needed guardrails, to keep people on track and maintain their forward momentum during VUCA, (Volatility, Uncertainty, Confusion & Ambiguity).

2. Clarity
The old adage, tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and tell them what you told them is even more imperative during times of complexity and ambiguity. The “Rule of 7” suggests consumers need to hear a message at least seven times before they are motivated to take action. The more urgent the situation, the more frequency is needed. Communicate your message frequently even if you think it’s redundant. Your employees will appreciate the comfort they receive from hearing your message and the clarity it provides. This clarity defines expectations and helps people traverse the maze they find themselves in during these trying times.

3. Courage
In times of uncertainty, your team relies on your guidance. You may need to share unpleasant news regarding the impact to individuals, teams or the entire organization. Sharing both the good and the bad builds trust. Leaders are always on stage and your team is watching how you navigate these challenging situations. Even though you may feel outside your comfort zone, when you face difficult situations head–on your team sees you as honest, forthcoming and straightforward. Leaders must make tough calls especially when the situation is as volatile and complex as is the case with the Coronavirus outbreak.

4. Compassion
Showing empathy can help dispel fear and reduce the stress your employees are experiencing during these difficult times. When employees feel you care, they can focus on solving the challenges at hand. Great leaders know how to balance keeping a level head while showing empathy for those impacted by a volatile or ambiguous situation. Emotional intelligence, the ability to manage your own emotions and the emotions of others, is a skill the best leaders master. Those with high emotional intelligence know how to guide decisions and bring people along in a manner that builds relationships and achieves goals.

These are uncertain times but now is the time to raise your leadership profile and shine with these Four C’s.

SAGE Alliance, a Leadership Performance Company; provides executive coaching, team-building, industry leading assessments, workshops and speaking on topics including: building a high-performing team through coaching, developing and optimizing your top talent, delivering commanding communications, creating a lasting impression, making a greater impact through personal branding for executives and high-potentials – for both team and individual leaders.

Shelley Hammell, is the president, CEO and author of You Think You’re Coaching, But You’re Not! available HERE, and is available for book signings and speaking engagements.